4 Advantages of SmartConnect Integrations for D365 Business Central

September 3, 2020 Tony Castellano

Does your organization need to connect Dynamics 365 Business Central with other applications and tools? In this era of digitization and remote work, connecting your ERP with the rest of your business solutions is more important than ever. That’s why Western Computer is proud to partner with eOne Solutions to help our clients integrate and automate using SmartConnect. SmartConnect is a no-code integration tool for Dynamics 365 Business Central developed by eOne that allows you to simplify complex integrations with Microsoft solutions, including Business Central.  

SmartConnect offers some key advantages for businesses looking to build complex integrations with Business Central without spending excessive time and money on the development process: 


1Gain more control and flexibility 

By offering numerous, flexible options for data sources, data transformation, mapping, triggers, API access, and developer options, SmartConnect allows you to build exactly the integrations you need for your business’s unique requirements. Gain visibility, control, and efficiency by connecting all your data to Business Central from across your business.  

Additionally, SmartConnect’s error handling functionality continually monitors whether an integration has failed or succeeded, alerts users to what failed and why, and makes it easy to solve the problem. That means you’ll be able to configure exactly the integrations you need, monitor them to ensure continued success, and quickly troubleshoot when necessary.  


2. Connect Business Central with a wide array of solutions 

SmartConnect makes it easy to create powerful integrations between Business Central and whatever diverse set of data sources your business uses, including Dynamics 365 CRM, Excel, SQL, ODBC, REST and SOAP web services, and custom applications. 


3. Easily update and add integrations 

If you can be totally confident about one thing for the future of your business, it’s that things will change. Your business focus, processes, and customers will all shift over time, and the technology to best handle this will evolve as well. That means your integrations need to be able to change too. With SmartConnect, business personnel including admins, accountants, and IT can add or adapt no-code integrations to meet new requirements as they come up.  


4. Build integrations faster and more cost-effectively 

Many organizations find themselves stuck with manual processes and disconnected systems for one simple reason – integrations often require a lot of time and money to develop. Rather than going through the long process of working with developers to create the integrations you need, SmartConnect allows your business to build an unlimited number of integrations and process an unlimited amount of data quickly and effectively. Pre-built connectors and templates can further accelerate this process, helping your business save time and gain incredible value from the SmartConnect toolset. 


Want to learn more about SmartConnect?  

Learn how SmartConnect works by watching our OnDemand webinar. 


Integration Connection for D365 Business Central and NAV with SmartConnect


Here at Western Computer, our goal is to empower your organization by tailoring solutions to your unique business needs. We understand that visibility and connectedness are long-term solutions, not just a one-time project. If you’d like to talk to an expert about how we can help you integrate and optimize your business technology solutions, contact us today 


About the Author

Tony Castellano

As Western Computer's VP of Sales, Tony oversees sales and business processes to ensure that the company's large customer base is supported.

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