Timberline to Microsoft Dynamics NAV Conversion

Timberline to Microsoft Dynamics NAV Conversion

The Timberline conversion process takes the Job and Task level data records contained within Sage-Timberline and converts them to Dynamics NAV. The conversion process is a multi-pass operation which includes the extraction of current Timberline Job Cost data merged with the corresponding Builder-MT data set of information.


Conversion Process

The conversion from Sage-Timberline is a "multi-step" process which includes the conversion of current Sage-Timberline and current BuilderMT data. First pass is to extract current information from the Sage-Timberline system to a series of extracted files that are then imported back into Dynamics NAV.

The second pass includes the extraction of "budget" information from BuilderMT into extract files that are then imported into Dynamics NAV as job task budget data.


Data Conversion

This diagram illustrates the data converted during the Sage-Timberline conversion process. Note that Job History can be converted into summary format at the Job Task level or in detail. The conversion process transforms some of the Sage-Timberline data into applicable Dynamics NAV data sets. For example, Sage-Timberline Cost Codes are converted to Dynamics NAV Job Tasks. Other one-for-one data fields are converted as shown.


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