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Options for Migrating Your Legacy ERP to the Cloud

January 28, 2024

Are you contemplating an upgrade to your Dynamics system but feel daunted by potential costs and operational disruptions? You're not alone. In the evolving world of business tech, the journey to the Cloud is a consideration for many legacy Dynamics ERP users.

Watch our OnDemand webinar with Greg Williams, our VP of Strategy, as he covers into crucial topics including:

  • Which Dynamics Cloud ERP is right for me?  We will compare options here as well as the Microsoft roadmap.
  • What other Dynamics and Microsoft cloud products should I use? We will provide an overview of complementary products.
  • What do I do with all my historical data?  We will discuss cloud data management options and strategies.
  • How do I handle my legacy customizations?
  • How do I verify if my ISVs are ready?  We will explore how to use AppSource.

Moving to the Cloud is more than just a technical upgrade—it's about advancing your business towards modern efficiency, security, and scalability. 

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