The Compressor Dealer’s Guide to Outsmarting the Competition

May 22, 2018 Jeff Rassie

Anyone who believes ‘ignorance is bliss’ sure hasn’t owned a compressor business. But if you’re more of a ‘knowledge is power’ kind of person, this article is for you. We’re going to talk about some of your favorite words like more revenue, more profit and more visibility so kick your feet up and learn how 365Service will help you outsmart and outperform the competition.

Haven’t heard of 365Service yet? It’s a fully integrated Cloud-based ERP system for dealer management powered by Microsoft Dynamics and optimized for compressor distributors like you. You can read more about it in our recently publish article 8 Reasons 365Service is the Game-Changing ERP Solution for Compressor Distributors.

For now, here are 3 ways this innovative ERP solution is built to help you keep pulse on your company and strategize growth in new ways:



The real-time visibility you gain with 365Service is actually across the company from accounting to field service to customers. But, we know a couple of the biggest things holding compressor dealers back is inefficient, disconnected inventory management and lack of online mobile capabilities. There are a lot of advantages here you’re really going to like:

  • Inventory serialization and traceability from origin to use
  • Instant access to inventory availability across locations (warehouse, service vehicle, service bench, etc.)
  • Connected mobile app so field workers can view inventory and order parts from their mobile device
  • Inventory availability embedded right on the service order so you don’t have to flip through multiple screens to see what you do or don’t have for the repair
  • Quick link to view related purchase orders or create a new one right from the service order screen


Because 365Service is powered by Microsoft Dynamics, you also get to take advantage of Power BI. This delivers automated business intelligence at your fingertips. The data from your ERP system (and other solutions) is consolidated, imported and translated into charts and graphs and reports. Want to drill down into which salesperson sold the most in Q1? Just click on that area of the sales performance chart. Need to forecast which parts to buy next month? No problem.

With Power BI, you can customize dashboards and reports so managers and leaders can monitor, forecast and strategize like never before. The best part is you don’t have to invest in expensive third-party business intelligence solutions to get enterprise-level insight into your company.



Field services management for compressor dealers has always been a huge challenge. Mainly because before 365Service, there just weren’t ERP systems designed to handle your unique service model. It required either a hefty paper trail or several pieces of software, or both. It was inefficient and costing you money.

Now, everything is all integrated and linked so office staff members know which resources are skilled for the job, who is where at all times, and can quickly schedule and modify appointments. In the field, your reps have a mobile app completely optimized for what they need to get the job done fast. They can see inventory availability in real time, order and drop ship parts and even have the customer sign off on the work order right there. Read more about How Compressor Distributors Are Profiting from Field Services.


Grow your compressor business with 365Service

Want to empower staff, managers, and executives with actionable insight? We can help you outsmart the competition. Contact us today for a personal demonstration of 365Service.


About the Author

Jeff Rassie

Jeff Rassie’s career in the business software industry spans 30 years with achievements within several industries including service management, distribution, and manufacturing. His experience ranges from working with companies that are part of an international corporate organization to privately-owned family-run businesses. The approach he takes to assisting companies involves a deep understanding of the client’s on-going business operations and long-term strategic initiatives so as to formulate effective solutions to support each company’s goals. Working in conjunction with a company’s management team Jeff has been able to assist many companies in providing software applications that leverage tools to assist companies to reach their potential.

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