Western Computer Delivers Results in the Distribution Marketplace

December 28, 2016 Amanda Wells

Staying ahead of the curve is the name of the game when it comes to business logistics. How do we know? Well, for starters we have been working on Enterprise Resource Planning since 1987.

To put that in perspective, we have been developing innovative business strategies since:

  •  A gallon of gas cost 89 cents.
  • Alf was on television.
  • Ronald Reagan was president.
  • The movie Lethal Weapon was in theaters.
  • Michael Jackson released his “Bad” album.

Okay, you get the point. Making the decision to embrace change can be stressful and scary, especially in “Corporate America”, but with every big risk, comes tremendous reward. In this blog, we will examine one of our recent success stories that showcases the rewards of partnering with Western Computer and Microsoft Enterprise solutions. Here are a couple [of the many] ways we lended a hand:

Consolidating applications on a centralized ERP platform - First of all, Displays2go is a trade show display product company that ships multiple items from their warehouse every day. Before partnering with Western Computer, the company used paper-based order tracking, which hindered overall production, organization, and order accuracy. Take a listen to what they had to say about their recent partnership with us:

The following statement made by Erol Fikri, the Displays2go Director of Supply Chain and Logistics, says it all: “At the end of the day, everyone in the room favored Dynamics NAV and Western Computer. The software was easiest to use, and our Finance department felt like it was the strongest in terms of the way it handles financials. But more importantly, Western Computer stood out from the other vendors. Western was clearly the most knowledgeable and the most transparent, and had the best references of everyone we considered.”

The Bottom Line - By consolidating the information onto  a platform that allows multiple people simultaneous access, we were able to launch their new, improved ERP system with no interruption to existing orders in the warehouse. BONUS - Microsoft Dynamics NAV allows users to login from different departments, countries, and devices.

Ongoing client support - Remember when we said it could be scary to implement new protocols? Well, it’s a lot less stressful when you have a bonafide expert by your side every step of the way. We do our best to minimize our clients’ growing pains and maximize their revenue growth.

During the early stages of Displays 2go's Microsoft Dynamics NAV implementation, we made sure to do daily calls to make sure everything was running smoothly. If an issue arose, we addressed it immediately. We even customized personalized their software to improve sales, service, marketing, and financial processes that were previously paper-heavy protocols.

The Results:

  • Average shipping time was reduced by over 34 percent.
  • Warehouse shipping increased to up to 2,400 transactions per day.
  • The need for repacking incorrect orders decreased from 42 percent down to 10 percent.
  • For more information on this customer success story, click here.

We love being able to help make a difference by improving distribution processes. In addition to Microsoft Dynamics NAV, we also offer the latest version of Dynamics 365 Enterprise, Dynamics AX, and Dynamics CRM. Just imagine all the extra time and money you’ll be able to reinvest back into your business once you implement your own customized ERP software package. Trust us (and Displays2go); it’s a great feeling. Click here to receive a personalized demo of what we can do for you and your business. To speak to one of our live specialists, call 800-729-9971 today.


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