In Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations version 8.1.3, Microsoft released enhancements to collection letters and you can now assign them at the customer level. This new feature will help you reduce the number of collections you send to each customer. We highlight below the steps you need to take to enable and use collection letters at the customer level.
How to Enable and Assign Collection Letters at the Customer Level in D365FO
The collection letter process will be based on a single collection letter that is stored on the customer record. The letter will contain all overdue transactions and, since grace days are now tracked at the customer level, your next letter isn’t sent until the number of grace days has passed for the next letter in the sequence.
The collection letter levels will still be tracked; however, there will only be a single letter created based on the letter sequence. Once overdue invoices are paid, the letter sequence returns to the earliest sequence that matches the status of the remaining overdue invoices.
To enable and use collection letters at the customer level, follow these steps.
- Enable customer level collection letters
- Path: Credit & Collections > Setup > Accounts Receivable Parameters
- Click on the Collections tab
- Change the value of Create collection letter per to Customer
- Click save or close the AR parameters window
- New enabled customer collection fields
- Path: Accounts Receivable > Customers > All Customers
- Select Customer and click Edit
- 4 new fields will appear under the Credit and collections fast tab
Questions on Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations?
As Microsoft continues to enhance Dynamics 365, please contact our Western Computer Dynamics experts any time with questions on this or other updates. You can also explore our online resource portal for D365FO.
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