New Feature Alert: Priority-Based Throttling in Dynamics 365 Finance

May 28, 2021 Marcus Swift

If you have multiple integration services (OData and Custom services) running simultaneously in your system, it can put a real strain on your infrastructure. This slows down integration execution sometimes to a standstill. The good news is Microsoft is rolling out a throttling manager for Dynamics 365 Finance that will help prevent these issues by prioritizing certain services.  

Read on for important information about the new throttling capability and what you should to do before this update is introduced in June 2021. 


What is Priority-Based Throttling? 

From Microsoft’s site, “Priority-based throttling introduces service protection settings that prevent the over-utilization of resources to preserve the system's responsiveness and ensure consistent availability and performance for environments running Finance and Operations apps.” 

This new feature gives you the ability and control to set priority for OData and custom service-based integrations so you can align the priorities based on your need for the integrations. The throttling manager will determine the best times where the system is not bogged down by concurrent services and prioritize certain services over other less critical services, thus allowing more resource allocations to the highly critical integrations being ran.  

Note: This is not applicable for Microsoft standard services such as the integration with WHS. This should reduce timeouts and failures for integrations. 


When is Priority-Based Throttling available in Dynamics 365 Finance? 

Throttling has been in preview since Finance version 10.0.13 and functionality will be enabled by default  in the PU 43 (10.0.19) release which was available for pre-release on April 23, 2021 and should be available for production on or around June 18, 2021.  

Microsoft highly recommends configuring the prioritization for throttling PRIOR to the PU 43 update otherwise default throttling will be enabled upon taking the PU 43 update.  

How to Configure Priority-Based Throttling Priority Mapping 


Prioritization for services is configured within the application under System Administration > Setup > Throttling priority mapping. You must be a System administrator role or Integration priority manager role to complete the set up. 


Monitoring and Diagnostics: 

You can monitor throttling events and perform diagnostics in LCS. Open your project and in the Environments section, choose the environment and select Full details. From the Environment details page, select Environment monitoring. 


Questions on the new Dynamics 365 Finance throttling feature? 

You can read Microsoft’s FAQs on Priority-based throttling for more information or contact Western Computer experts to learn more about the functionality and how to prepare your system before the update. 

About the Author

Marcus Swift

Marcus Swift is an experienced developer that has worked extensively with Dynamics AX and Dynamics 365 Finance.

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