Synergistic Collaboration Expands ERP Benefits One Year Later


While initial ERP deployments generate many key benefits, it’s important to look at your ERP system as an evolving ecosystem. As business requirements change, and as you learn more about your system’s capabilities, you will likely discover many new ways over time to further streamline business processes.


One such example is our customer, Displays2go. The company, which manufactures and distributes supplies, fixtures, and presentation materials for retail and trade show displays, collaborated with Western Computer to deploy Microsoft Dynamics NAV in 2016. In 2017, Displays2go has continued to prosper from the partnership by expanding the benefits it generates from the ERP platform:


  • Improved business intelligence
  • Expanded resource utilization
  • Enhanced sustainability
  • Streamlined business processes


These benefits began to take shape about one year after the initial deployment as the internal team advanced beyond learning how to use the system. They are now leveraging more the information in Dynamics NAV to transform how they run the business.


4 New Key Capabilities

One example of the way Displays2go expanded its use of Dynamics NAV is through integration with Microsoft Power BI. The analytical tool enables managers to extract business intelligence to forecast customer demand and keep the right amount of inventory in stock.


NAV also now processes orders more smoothly to streamline customer service, the supply chain, production, and distribution. Gaining this capability has enabled Displays2go to expand its sales volume without significantly adding to the headcount.


Using Dynamics NAV also helped Display2go achieve their environmental sustainability goals. The company transformed from relying heavily on paperwork for coordinating workflow processes to one that now utilizes hardly any paper at all. This resulted in decreasing paper and toner cost more than 95%. Without paperwork to handle, the staff is also more efficient in the way they process orders and invoices.


That gets products out the door faster and speeds up cash flow!


A fourth key payoff comes from having a single source of data. Previously, systems were not connected, and the staff had to reconcile spreadsheets often. But with everyone now looking at the same numbers and reports generated from NAV data, the staff no longer wastes time fulfilling orders or forecasting future needs based on outdated information. Everyone can see what other departments are doing and the business orders in play for each customer.


Partnership Plays Key Role in Success

A key factor in the success of Dynamics NAV for Displays2go is their partnership with Western Computer. We’re always looking out for new ways our clients can expand their use of their ERP platform to further streamline business processes. For Displays2go, we recently established electronic data interchange connection with one their freight carriers so invoices can be uploaded electronically, rather than manually keying them into the system. This is a good example of how we don’t just deploy solutions for our clients; we’re there to make sure the benefits keep on expanding.


To find out more about how Western Computer helped Displays2go expand the benefits of Dynamics NAV, download the full update here. We would also be glad to schedule a call to discuss how we can help your company achieve similar benefits. Contact us to learn how we could do the same for your company.


About the Author

Maher Malki

As Western Computer's Dynamics NAV Program Manager, Maher Malki connects with his clients' IT departments to resolve unique business needs.

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