Get to Know Your ERP Implementation Team


Western Computer has a world-class ERP implementation team that has led more than 500 business transformations. We don’t just guide you through the process—we help you welcome the transition as a valuable investment in the future.

Here are some key players on your implementation team and how they help you get the most out of your ERP investment:


Solution Architect

A solution architect is a guardian of quality control. At every stage in the process, your solution architect will be working in the background to gather information, analyze costs, look for opportunities to maximize efficiency, and brainstorm custom solutions that make your transition easier.

Every part of the process happens under the watchful eye of the solution architect. They’ll be available to answer questions during your launch and on hand to triage any issue you might encounter. Our customers say our solution architects are the best in the business, and that’s why we entrust them with this valuable role.


Executive Sponsor

Your executive sponsor is your primary point of contact for all strategic project issues. They manage timely delivery of all commitments, resolve the most critical issues, and develop additional scopes of work for any supplemental work that arises.

An executive sponsor is a member of the steering committee and stays fully informed about both the big picture of your project and all the little details that make it happen.


Project Manager

The project manager handles day-to-day activities. These include keeping the project on schedule, managing tasks that must be accomplished for success, and monitoring resources and budgets.

Project managers are experts at leadership and team building. When advice is needed, a project manager taps into a deep well of experience to provide an optimal solution. Everything stays on track because of the daily dedication of the project manager.


Project Team Members

Your company will have project team members, and so will Western Computer. Here’s a look at how the two project teams’ responsibilities break down.


Your Project Team:


  • Provides current business knowledge
  • Provides timelines for project tasks
  • Develops test scripts and conduct testing
  • Ensures solutions meet your needs
  • Uses templates from Western Computer to export legacy data
  • Approves project segments
  • Provides facilities and infrastructure
  • Develops new procedures
  • Develops training manuals
  • Develops non-standard reports
  • Trains the end-users at your company


Our Project Team:


Our team has a lead consultant/lead developer, in addition to a consultant.


Lead consultant/lead developer:


  • Oversees the processes at your location
  • Tracks on-site process and activities
  • Reviews strategies, methodologies, and approaches
  • Guides completion of deliverables by your team
  • Provides leadership and team building
  • Gives advice and leads strategic consultations
  • Escalates issues to your project manager as necessary




  • Supports the use of correct methods
  • Leads workshops
  • Provides samples and knowledge that support setup and testing
  • Shares best practices
  • Assists with configuration
  • Trains the trainers


The implementation team approaches every client, and every project, as a unique situation with unique needs. You may need more or fewer services, depending on your business structure. Scaling up or down is never an issue because Western Computer has more than 160 dedicated Microsoft Dynamics professionals on hand to serve you.

Together, your company and the Western Computer implementation team will find a new path to ERP success. We can’t wait to add you to our long list of customer success stories. Contact us to get started.


About the Author

Greg Williams

As Western Computer's VP of Strategy, Greg Williams is responsible for aligning the company's product and service offerings with customers.

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