Try our Interactive Product Configurator for Microsoft Dynamics!

August 28, 2018 Ken May

“Can’t you just give me a quote?”

Quotes are complicated. The more complex and customizable your product is, the more convoluted the quoting process can get. But even though most people know that intellectually, we’re still driven by instant gratification. If we need a product, we want to know what it will cost us. And we want to know now, not when the next account manager is available to sit down for a meeting and go through an extensive checklist.

This is where our interactive product configurator for Microsoft Dynamics can revolutionize how, when and where you are able to provide fast, accurate quotes to customers.

So, why do you need this product configurator?

We’ve partnered with e-Con Solutions to give you a product configurator that puts you and your customers into the driver’s seat when working up a quote. You can configure the product to their exact specifications, validate it, quote it, and order it—while you are sitting with them. The entire process can take just minutes and all details and documents are created and ready to go to production.  

Let the product configurator streamline your manufacturing process.

The efficiency benefits don’t stop with the initial quote, however. Our product configurator is the only one of its kind designed specifically for Microsoft Dynamics. What does this mean? You can track and analyze metrics from all stages of the process, from quote to production to delivery, all within your Microsoft Dynamics system.

No more hunting down isolated data from random spreadsheets held hostage on various people’s hard drives. No more drawn-out meetings just for the purpose of figuring out who knows what about which customer or panicking when the person who last spoke with a major buyer calls in sick. Just one system, from start to finish. That’s not only good for customers, it’s good for you (and your sanity).

Let the product configurator show what you can offer and eliminate the impossible.

With our product configurator, customers aren’t just able to see what they think they want, they’re able to compare across a range of options. It’s a natural upsell opportunity without any of the awkwardness of high-pressure sales tactics.

Just as importantly, the configurator automatically eliminates options that are unavailable based on previous choices. This way, you’re guaranteed not to end up with an impossible-to-produce order that would otherwise require someone to go back and fix it by hand.

The product configurator is an easy way to turn customers into partners.

When you use our interactive product configurator, customers can literally see what they’re getting, because it’s right there in front of them. It becomes tangible. They become engaged in the design process in a way that feels personally empowering, without risking the safety or quality of the finished product.

When customers become personally invested in the design process, they become personally invested in you. They’re more likely to want to engage in a long-term relationship with your business, knowing the design to the production process is going to be efficient and accurate.

Want to see it in action? Take our interactive product configurator for a test drive right now!

Some things just need to be witnessed firsthand, which is why you’re going to love our interactive product configurator demo.

Go build a bulldozer!

See what the process is like and what you can show your customers. Play around with it. Do your best to figure out with a way to mess the process up. (We don’t think you’ll come up with something we haven’t already tried and accounted for!) Think about the fact it’s completely integrated with Microsoft Dynamics, putting all the information and tools you need to track, analyze, and follow up on the order from beginning to end.

Then get in touch, so we can talk through getting your product configurator setup and ready to go. Because just like your customers, you deserve the very best solution made precisely with you in mind.

About the Author

Ken May

As Western Computer's NAV Functional Solution Architect Ken May is responsible for working with functionality upgrades and new NAV customer engagements.

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