When It’s Time for a New ERP System, Rapid Time to Value is Crucial

Your business is growing fast. New customers keep coming on board while products fly out the door and your service teams are stretched to the limit. 

What do you fear most?  Losing revenue when the customer can’t place their order or losing a customer who goes to a competitor with a more efficient order entry process?  Neither is appealing but why risk either by running a system that won’t scale to your customer’s needs? 

In essence, your short-term success could set you up for failure down the road.


Business Suffers When Deployment Delays Occur

While the selection of a new ERP solution that’s right for your business is a critical decision, the time it takes to deploy the platform is just as important. If your operations are suffering—from inefficient workflows and delayed delivery of products and services—every month that goes by represents another month of lost revenue, less than excellent customer service, lower margins, and lost customers.

Some ERP implementations drag on for months or longer. In worse-case scenarios, the planning, design, or deployment phase goes so poorly, the entire project is called off. The business has to start from scratch with another solution.

Meanwhile, workflows continue to function inefficiently, and the situation will likely get worse. In addition to the impact on the business, morale can decline as employees feel frustrated over how difficult it is to perform their jobs. And as they waste more and more time on administrative tasks, they spend less time with customers.


A New ERP Platform—In Just 8 Weeks

To help you solve the challenge of quickly going live on a new ERP platform, Western Computer has developed a deployment methodology that enables us to implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in just eight weeks. In addition to streamlining your business by migrating your ERP platform to the cloud, we help you minimize business interruptions and create a smooth transition for your internal teams.

The key to our ability to implement Dynamics 365 Business Central in eight weeks is our proven methodology that was created for fast and efficient implementations. We assign a dedicated project manager to coordinate a team of experts who handle the entire system configuration and the data migration.

We also provide training for your IT team and your end-users so everyone is comfortable with the new technology. And before the final cutover, we conduct go-live readiness testing followed by post-implementation support. This makes sure everything goes smoothly.


Dynamics 365 Business Central: 8-Week Implementation



Short-Term Benefits Set Stage for Long-Term Value

While the speed of our implementations is vital for your business in the short term, the key features of Dynamics 365 Business Central deliver value over the long term to enable your business to continue its accelerated growth. You get an agile, powerful, and simple-to-use ERP environment that provides seamless processing, transacting, and reporting for all financial areas.

You can also more easily adapt your business model to meet market pressures and customer demands. That’s because the Dynamics 365 Business Central solution allows for extending base functionality to meet specific needs and provides a sophisticated framework to integrate with other systems, such as your CRM and e-commerce platforms.

If your business is experiencing rapid growth, the time is now to capitalize on the opportunity. Find out how Western Computer can implement Dynamics 365 Business Central in eight weeks to help your business continue to service customers efficiently—contact us today to start the conversation.

About the Author

Katherine Turner-Lawrence

Katherine Turner-Lawrence, Vice President of Subscriptions at Western Computer, helps clients understand how they benefit from adopting ERP and CE solutions.

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