New Durable Goods Distributor Solution for Dynamics 365 Coming Soon!

August 13, 2018 John Lischefska

Western Computer is pleased to announce the upcoming release of a new solution targeted for small-to-medium sized durable goods distributors. This new intellectual property is designed as an extension to Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and will be available from Microsoft’s Appsource starting in Fall 2018.

Why Do Durable Goods Distributors Need It?

Inside and outside sales are well supported today, but there is a need for more capability behind the counter when customers walk in to buy or pickup an order. Essentially, this solution adds retail capabilities at your wholesale counter and links all sales activities seamlessly.

Using Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Retail as the basis for this new function, Western Computer can now support a seamless environment with the capability for a sale to start in one sales cycle and finish in another.

For example, a worker can get information from a salesperson and enter a preliminary order. The customer then enters the shop with the order number and the counter person types it in and finishes the sale. This omni-channel solution streamlines multiple retail functions such as scan an item, create an order on the fly, and parcel ship. The goal is to provide a consistent and seamless experience for customers similar to that which they receive today at major retailers like Amazon.

Exciting features within this release include:

  1. Enhanced Item Search: We have added greater search capability to the point of sale using any one or a combination of identifiers: item number, serial number, part number, vendor name, manufacturer part number, or even a general description. Search is now more effective and linked to all relevant information on a product and a customer. No more need to go to a separate inventory system or screen.
  2. Search and Validate by Serial Number: Distributors need the capability to track an item through the entire supply chain process. This is important for warranties, safety and liability issues, and replacement parts.
  3. Consolidated Customer Information: The counter worker no longer has to leave the system to find out information such as order management (accounts receivable, credit info, bills, credit lines, etc.) or customer information (type of business, contacts that resided in old CRM, etc.).
  4. Individual Items and Orders: Our solution allows for evaluation of profit margins by introducing rules about cost cutting. This simple but effective feature eliminates the need for complicated and costly third-party apps.
  5. 365VendorRebates: Gain the ability to track both customer rebates and manufacturer rebates for distributors. You can now create sales campaigns to align with pass-throughs. Counter sales and counter sales managers now have insights to know how to motivate sales based on discounts and expiration dates.
  6. Extensions to Pricing: Enhanced support for accounts receivables provides management with more insight into where they are making money. This line item analysis optimization helps ensure that any discount rules do not result in a loss.
  7. 365ParcelShip:  A valuable addition for distributors, we’ve added a new integrated view from Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations warehousing module with rate shopping capabilities. This simplifies the process of parcel shipping with a multiple vendor rate shopping engine, eliminating the need to track or contract with a third-party vendor. 


We are excited about this solution and the gap it fills for distributors. It effectively takes away the need for multiple systems and screens to complete the entire sales process whether in the field, the office or at the counter. Since the system can access all needed information, your organization no longer has to rely on “tribal knowledge,” making your workers more effective and your customers happier. Contact us today for more information about this new offering and how it can help your organization.


About the Author

John Lischefska

John Lischefska is Product Manager at Western Computer and manages the design and development of the company’s software applications.

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